Monday, December 13, 2010

Ho, Ho, Holiday Pounds!

How to keep winter weight to a minimum.

by Dr. Sandra G. Carey

It is not uncommon to gain some weight during the winter months, and a few extra pounds can even be healthy. The cold weather and winds of winter calls for insulation from body fat, which may keep us warm and strengthen the immune system. However, holiday parties and family gatherings, which provide ample opportunity to indulge in the goodness of the season, may lead to unwanted pounds. Below are some ideas for enjoying the many festive occasions this season while minimizing extra weight.

  • Eat a light meal or snack before going to a party

  • This will decrease feelings of hunger and limit sugar cravings, lessening the likelihood of overindulging on cookies and cakes.

  • Wait 20 minutes before going back for seconds at holiday meals

  • This amount of time gives the body a chance to register what you have eaten. If you are still hungry after 20 minutes, please enjoy a second helping, but if you do not feel hungry refrain from extra helpings to keep extra pounds at bay.

  • Remember: “The feast is in the first bite.”

  • Take time to give full attention to what you are eating. Explore the textures, tastes, and smells of the food you eat by chewing slowly and thoroughly. This will slow down the time it takes to eat, and helps avoid that “stuffed” feeling. This mindful approach to eating can also bring awareness to the love and time it took to prepare the food and may increase your sense of thankfulness and joy.

  • Increase movement during the day

  • Winter weather may inhibit your desire to get outside and be active, so create new opportunities to keep the blood and calories flowing through your body. Take the stairs up to the office, or park towards the end of a parking lot, when safe, to add in a few extra steps to your day. Add some stretching or isometric (contracting muscles while standing still) to your work breaks or after a meal.

Be well!